Below are the metrics you can find per vital parameter including the corresponding models for Android and iOS. You can get the summaries per metric or the raw metrics from the SDK.
Summaries comparison
- Heart rate | HeartRateSummaryModel / HeartRateSlotModel | MetricBPMSummery / MetricBPMSummerySlot |
- Breathing rate | RespirationSummaryModel / RespirationSlotModel | MetricBreathSummery / MetricBreathSummerySlot |
- Steps | StepsSummaryModel / StepsSlotModel | MetricStepsSummary / MetricStepsSummarySlot |
- Speed | StepsSummaryModel / StepsSlotModel | MetricStepsSummary / MetricStepsSummarySlot |
- Energy expenditure | StepsSummaryModel / StepsSlotModel | MetricStepsSummary / MetricStepsSummarySlot |
- Activity Type | StepsSummaryModel / StepsSlotModel | MetricActivitySummery / MetricActivitySummerySlot |
- Sleep | SleepSummaryModel /SleepSlotModel | MetricSleepSummery / MetricSleepSummerySlot |
- Skin Temperature | TemperatureSummaryModel / TemperatureSlotModel | MetricBodyTempSummery / MetricBodyTempSummerySlot |
- Core body Temperature | TemperatureSummaryModel / TemperatureSlotModel | MetricCoreBodyTemperatureSummary / MetricCoreBodyTemperatureSummarySlot |
- Saturation | SpO2SummaryModel / Spo2SlotModel | MetricSpo2Summery / MetricSpo2SummerySlot |
- EDA (stress) | StressSummaryModel / StressSlotModel | MetricEmographySummary / MetricEmographySummarySlot |
Summary vs Raw Metrics
Raw metrics
The Raw metrics is the data comming from the bracelet, the data is stored in the database after the parsing. The frequency of the raw metrics can be set in the Bracelet plan Set command. It is 60 seconds by default. If the interval is set to 60 seconds, for example the MetricActivity will come every 60 seconds, containning the steps of the last 60 seconds, the average bpm of the 60 seconds, etc.
Summaries: calculated data using the raw metrics. Summaries are daily calculation of the bracelet data. For example the StepsSummary contains the total steps/calories during the day.
The summaries contain the daily average / sum, and periodic slots. The slot interval is set in the initialization of the Data SDK. For example if the slot interval is set to 10 minutes, the StepsSummary will have slot for 00:00-00:10 then 00:10-00:20, etc. It is an average of the raw metrics during this interval.
Data deletion and clean up
The data deletion is not automatically handle by the SDK, it should be implemented in your app.
Please make sure to delete the data regularly has the bracelet can generate lots of data
For raw metrics with summaries calculation (activity, respiration, temperature, SpO2, heart rate), it is important to keep the current day of data in the database, as the summary calculation is based on the full day of raw metrics.
Keep the last 2 days to make sure the summary calculation is correct in all usecases.
For raw metrics without summaries (PPG), the data can be deleted anytime.
Deletion of Raw metrics and Summaries
Code sample available in the Sample App:
SampleApp.kt > fun dataCleanUp()
Raw metrics have a larger amout of data in the database, it should to be deleted often.
Summaries need to be deleted as well but generate an amout of data not as big.